Thursday, October 25, 2012

New Skin Thursday

New skins for these shoes I just inherited, I mean!
The craze for galaxy and ombre themed clothes have been everywhere not long ago. Tutorials were all over on how to make some of these awesomeness on t-shirts, shorts, shoes, dresses and even leggings! They are pretty and easy to do! Though, I'm not so sure about their current popularity now. I actually planned to do this a week earlier but I was always too lazy. I love how it turned out. 

I used some brushes I found lying around (My mum's gonna get me later for this, the brushes are for painting the temple's prayer wheels.) and one of mine (a detail brush, mine's all tiny) and another of a friend's (a large brush, he says my brushes are all too small). And also, as in the picture above, an old powder puff in replacement for a missing sponge.

I think sponges are important for the 'make cloudy colours' part. Large brush in substitute of a toothbrush, to sprinkle 'stars'. Detail brush to make larger stars.

I used fabric paints and also some borrowed white acrylic paint. The white fabric paint we have is definitely not liquid any more. Mixed them colours up on some pieces of paper.

First, I taped the sides of my shoes where the paints are not supposed to go.

I started off colouring the shoes in dark blue, then I layered some light blues, purples or pinks on the powder puff and puffed away. The powder puff is also a little spiky, which made the effect even better, in my opinion. I did puffed on some black+dark blue in certain areas too. For white, I tried to puff only small amounts of this at lighter areas.

Using the large brush, I (and some help from my friend) sprinkled white acrylic paint on the shoes. I added some small dots and one shining star with the tiny detail brush.

I coloured the shoe caps with acrylic paint. And I have to confess, I might not have washed the shoes well enough /:D
White shoe caps, grey and dirty sides?

I blow dryed the shoes just in case (heat purposes not drying purposes), then laced them up.

 Ta-dahh! I'm a proud galaxy shoe owner now! Do you guys like it? It was fun and easy. I hope you all will be inspired to DIY something lovely. For girls, ombre pastels on your shorts seems to be really fashionable.

 I wish I'll be able to find something else to do with my holidays now. Till next time!

Also, thanks for putting up with me! I think I dragged this a bit too much.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

BAP Stop It.

Ho-hum. Okay I'm going nuts Its impossibru not to everytime I watch this And the major reason is because Any Video Converter doesn't let convert it into furreaking WMV 9 (note the '9' or my sucky mp4 won't play it no matter what) without a Windows Media Player I want it so bad that its a need and anyone to help me would seriously get a 90 degree bow from me Though I suppose life is never always fair.

Rock On B.A.P.!

Sorry I'm not my usual artsy self. 

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Wednesday Starts.

My Wednesday started off like this.

This, is some copper wire. I don't know the size or anything, but it's quite easy to bend about here and there. Bu-ut, once you twist it TOO much (which sadly, I did), it becomes really ugly. CAUTION. Its previous owner was Jason, a tuition-mate of mine. There was more of it at the start.

This was my first piece. A ribbon ring. I found the tutorial after searching up, 'wire jewelry DIY'. Though mine is a little on the wrong side, I underestimated the length of wire needed (I looped twice around the finger 'cause my finger is skinny) and have no wire left to loop the centre of the ribbon or risk it looking weird. Now that I rethinked about it, I might add an additional little loop later.

This one, I actually made the four leaf clover based on some pictures I scouted through Pinterest. Later, I decided that I wanted it to be a part of my necklace's pendant. I redid the loop for hanging the pendant as I did this. The four leaf clover is a little loose though, so it shakes a little, but it won't fall off, that I'm very sure.

Lastly, I saw a really pretty wire key on Pinterest, again. It seemed simple enough to imitate, but let's just say mine looks like a complete amateur's compared to the original. And my wire's thickness backfired on me. Ho-hum.

Well, I hope you enjoyed my simple little things. 'To inspire others is great' so be inspired by me! Heheh!

Bye now, I'm late for a flashmob practice.

Aand, I'm obsessed with B.A.P.'s new MV, 'Stop It'. Bloody cute.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Update 16th October

     I have been M.I.A. for some time. Was I out having fun? Wellll, no. Had PMR and a whole lot of stress that comes with it. And finally, after a month of kinda restricting myself here and there, I finally am able to have the time and freedom to pick up my sketchbook and draw something that I've put some concerntration on.

     This one is inspired by Alice in Wonderland yet again. I'm a sucker for cute Victorian or vintage things. Explains why I like petticoats too. And actually, drawing another Alice means I can see the differences of how I used to draw, so its a plus.

     And I think I missed my birthday here. Well, me being my artsy self, I got myself a digital camera from a rich 'Santa Claus'. Its one of the older Canon models and its red. Makes me want to BE a photographer. Photographer. Malaysians say it : Like Bahasa Malaysia, you have to pronounce every syllable. It is wrong, if you're wondering. Oh well, see you next time!